Ultimate Philippines Travel Guide | How To Visit Philippines On A Budget and Experience Authentic Adventures

1. Alcohol Prices In The Philippines Are Cheaper Than Soft Drinks

In the Philippines, a surprising fact for budget travelers is that alcohol, such as rum, is often cheaper than soft drinks. This means that indulging in a night of drinks won’t break the bank.

It’s a great opportunity to try local brews and spirits without worrying about the cost. Whether you’re lounging on a pristine beach or exploring the vibrant nightlife scene of Manila, you can enjoy a refreshing drink without denting your budget.

2. Budget-Friendly Accommodation Options For Travelers

When it comes to accommodations, the Philippines offers a wide range of options for budget travelers. If you’re looking for a unique experience, consider staying in a hammock or tent.

Many beach destinations and even some remote jungle areas offer affordable hammock and tent rentals. Not only does this save you money on accommodation, but it also allows you to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of your surroundings.

For those who prefer a more traditional accommodation, there are plenty of budget-friendly options as well. From posh backpacker hostels to cozy local guesthouses and beach shacks, the Philippines has it all.

These accommodations not only provide comfort and convenience but also give you an opportunity to connect with fellow travelers and locals.

  • Tips to save money on accommodation:
    • Consider sharing a room with other travelers to split the cost
    • Look for deals and discounts online before booking
    • Consider a homestay or couchsurfing to experience local culture while saving money

    3. Tips From The Broke Backpacker

    Will Hatton, the founder of The Broke Backpacker, is an avid traveler who has spent extended periods exploring the Philippines on a budget. His personal experience and tips are valuable resources for anyone planning a trip to the Philippines on a budget.

    Will Hatton’s top tips for budget travel in the Philippines:
    – Be open to trying street food, which is not only delicious but also incredibly affordable. – Take advantage of public transportation options such as jeepneys, tricycles, and buses.

    • Look for free or low-cost activities like hiking, swimming, and snorkeling to make the most of your time in the Philippines. – Connect with locals and fellow travelers to get insider tips on hidden gems and budget-friendly destinations.

    4. Explore Volcanoes, Coral Reefs, And Jungles In The Philippines

    One of the main reasons why the Philippines is such a popular destination for budget travelers is its abundance of natural attractions. From stunning volcanoes to vibrant coral reefs and lush jungles, there is no shortage of adventure in this archipelago.

    Mount Mayon, Taal Volcano, and Mount Pinatubo are just a few of the majestic volcanoes that offer breathtaking hikes and scenic views. If you’re a fan of the underwater world, you’ll be enthralled by the colorful coral reefs of Apo Island, Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, and Palawan.

    And for nature enthusiasts, the jungles of Bohol, Dumaguete, and Banaue Rice Terraces beckon with their rich biodiversity and stunning landscapes.

    Whether you’re an adrenaline junkie seeking thrilling activities or simply a nature lover wanting to be surrounded by beauty, the Philippines has something to offer everyone.

    5. Affordable Prices For Food And Accommodation In The Philippines

    One of the biggest advantages of traveling in the Philippines on a budget is the affordable prices for food and accommodation. Even in popular tourist destinations, you can find delicious meals for as little as a few dollars.

    Local eateries, known as carinderias, offer a variety of flavorful Filipino dishes at extremely affordable prices.

    Similarly, accommodation prices in the Philippines cater to every budget. From basic guesthouses that cost less than $10 USD per night to comfortable beachfront resorts at a fraction of the price you would pay in other countries, you’ll find options to suit your financial situation.

  • Money-saving tips for food:
    • Eat at local eateries and street food stalls for authentic flavors and affordable prices. – Avoid touristy restaurants and opt for places frequented by locals.

    • Embrace the local cuisine and try Filipino specialties like adobo, sinigang, and lechon.

  • Money-saving tips for accommodation:
    • Consider staying in shared accommodations, such as dormitory-style hostels, to save on costs. – Look for accommodation deals and discounts online.

    • Consider staying in less touristy areas, as prices tend to be lower.

    6. Traveling On A Budget Of $20 USD Per Day Is Possible In The Philippines

    For budget travelers seeking to stretch their funds as far as possible while exploring the beauty of the Philippines, it is indeed possible to travel on a budget of $20 USD per day. This includes accommodation, food, transportation, and activities.

    With careful planning and smart choices, you can live comfortably and experience the wonders of the Philippines without breaking the bank. By opting for affordable accommodations, eating at local and budget-friendly establishments, and using public transportation, you can make your budget go a long way.

    7. Cost Estimates For Backpacking In The Philippines In 2023

    For travelers planning a visit to the Philippines in 2023, it’s important to have an idea of how much money to budget for your trip. While prices can vary depending on the region, season, and personal preferences, here are some cost estimates for backpacking in the Philippines in 2023:

    • Accommodation: Budget guesthouses and hostels can range from $5 to $15 USD per night, while mid-range options may cost around $20 to $30 USD per night. – Food: Eating at local eateries and street food stalls can cost as little as $2 to $5 USD per meal, while slightly more upscale restaurants may range from $7 to $15 USD per meal.

    • Transportation: Public transportation, such as buses and jeepneys, are incredibly cheap, with fares typically ranging from $0.25 to $2 USD. Domestic flights between islands can cost around $30 to $100 USD, depending on the distance and time of booking.

    • Activities: Entrance fees to attractions and activities can vary, but budgeting around $5 to $10 USD per day for recreational activities and sightseeing should be sufficient.

    It’s important to note that these estimates serve as a general guideline, and actual expenses may vary based on individual preferences and travel style.

    8. Diverse Accommodation Options In The Philippines

    The Philippines offers a diverse range of accommodation options, catering to the needs and budgets of all types of travelers. From backpacker hostels with modern amenities and social atmospheres to remote beach resorts that offer seclusion and tranquility, there is something for everyone.

    If you’re traveling on a budget, hostels and guesthouses are a popular choice. These options provide affordable rates, comfortable beds, and shared facilities, making it easy to connect with other travelers.

    Many hostels also offer private rooms for those seeking a bit more privacy.

    For travelers looking for something more luxurious without breaking the bank, mid-range hotels and beach resorts provide an excellent balance between comfort and affordability. These accommodation options often boast beautiful views, swimming pools, and additional amenities.

    For those who want to immerse themselves in the local culture, staying in homestays or guesthouses run by locals is a great option. This not only supports the local economy but also allows travelers to experience genuine Filipino hospitality.

    In conclusion, the Philippines is a great destination for budget travelers, offering affordable food, accommodation, and an abundance of natural and cultural attractions. With proper planning and an adventurous spirit, you can embark on a budget-friendly journey through this hidden gem of Southeast Asia and create memories to last a lifetime.

    What are some tips for saving money while traveling in the Philippines?

    To save money while traveling in the Philippines, consider visiting less touristy places like Siargao, Siquijor, and Camiguin, which offer beautiful attractions and a cheaper cost of living. Utilize local transportation options such as jeepneys and tricycles instead of taxis or private tours, and opt for buses or ferries instead of flights between islands. Try street food and local eateries for affordable and delicious meals, avoiding touristy restaurants with inflated prices. Save on accommodation by staying in homestays or guesthouses instead of hotels, and look for deals on websites like Airbnb or Booking.com. Take advantage of free or low-cost activities and attractions, such as stunning beaches, hiking trails, and local festivals, to enhance your experience without spending extra money.